Lake Oswego – Fall 2015

This was a large residential project that we finished in Lake Oswego on a new construction home last fall.

Elements of this project included:

  • An expansive Tall Fescue lawn:  This tough yet beautiful turfgrass will require less water and maintenance once established, and will stand up to regular use with ease.
  • Stone walkways:  We used a lot of stone walkways in this project to access various parts of the landscape.
  • A drainage system:  The back yard had some leveling issues and a major drainage problem when we arrived.  We leveled the rear lawn and installed a generous amount of drainage to create the level, rolling expanse of grass that you see in the images.
  • A rain garden:  We constructed a rain garden that is not only gorgeous, but also allows the landscape to manage some of its runoff onsite.  Water that would normally end up in a storm drain is instead kept on the property and allowed to soak back into the soil.
  • Numerous grasses and perennials:  We really enjoyed the colors and textures of this project.  The fall colors were beautiful, and the selection was designed to provide interest in all seasons.
  • Boulders:  A well placed boulder makes a strong statement.  We strategically placed a number of large boulders throughout the project to provide structure and contrast.
  • An extensive Rain Bird irrigation system:  We love our Rain Bird irrigation products, and really put them to good use here.  This landscape incorporated a number of irrigation zones, most of them with high-efficiency drip irrigation.  Our drip systems will keep the water low to the ground and near to the plants that need them, only using the water that is necessary and keeping it in the landscape instead of running into a drain.

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